Methodological challenges for researching audience experiences

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganisation and participation in conference


tværfagligt forskningsseminar, forskningsgruppen VISPER Tuesday, November 19, 13-17 Room 43.3.29 The presence of an audience is central to many descriptions of live performance. It is there in Peter Brooks’ classic definition of a figure walking across an empty space ‘whilst someone else is watching him’. The act of watching – and listening – is crucial, and yet only fairly recently has performance studies as a discipline begun to take the challenge of understanding how actual audiences engage seriously in live performance. Recent shifts, however, have seen a growing focus on the dynamics of spectatorship in live performance addressing questions of experiencing live from a range of perspectives, including the study of performance, music and theatre, arts marketing and experience design. Simultaneously, the methodological challenges of investigating such a complex phenomenon as live performance is acknowledged. To illustrate a variety of approaches to researching audience experiences, we have invited five scholars to discuss examples from their work: two of our colleagues from Performance-design, two other colleagues from RUC and visiting professor Matthew Reason. On the basis of these five presentations it is the aim of the seminar to reflect on the methodological choices and challenges of doing research on live audience experiences. Program for the seminar: 13.00-13.30: Matthew Reason, York St. John: Adventures in creative research techniques 13.30-14.00: Kim Schrøder, Communication studies: Beyond the qualitative/quantitative divide, introducing Q-methodology 14.00-14.30: Bjarne Sode Funch, Psychology: Psychological Facets of the Phenomenological Interview 14.30-15.00: Break 15.00-15.30: Henriette Christrup, Performance-design: Wheel of ritual, drawings and measuring heart rhythms. Experience research in relation to self-creation and design processes. 15.30-16.00: Connie Svabo, Performance-design: Following in the footsteps of the museum visitor 16.00-17.00: Discussion
Period19 Nov 2013
Event typeSeminar
LocationRoskilde , DenmarkShow on map