Hiring of PhDs at Makerere University

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in workshop, seminar, course


The Research Programme CASH-IN has hired Brenda Birungi who has a Masters of Arts in Sociology, as a PhD candidate in social anthopology, Makerere University ([email protected])

The CASH-IN has also hired Emmanuel Keith Kisaame, who has a Master degree in Economics as a PhD candidate, as a master candidate in economics at the School of Economics, Makerere University ([email protected])

As associated to the CASH-IN programme, the School of Economics, at Makerere University has accepted Simon Peter Nsereko, who has as a Master degree in Economics as a PhD fellow in economics ([email protected])
Period30 Sept 2021
Event typeOther
LocationKampala, UgandaShow on map


  • cash-transfers