Affect, Interface, Event

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganisation and participation in conference


The conference theme addresses how the proliferation of digital and interactive
technologies produces an intensified distribution of affect in most aspects of our
daily lives. Complex interfacial entanglements between our online– and offline
being-in-the-world are constantly modulating our very existential conditions.
Interfaces imply affective foldings and changes in felt relations (containing bodies,
subjectivities and technologies). The AIE conference investigates how affective
interface events – on a micro- and macro-level – are reinforced by or can challenge
these changes. A major concern of the conference is to consider interface modulations
on an affective, social, aesthetic, and political level.
The contributions to the conference have been carefully selected according to how
to activate and conceptualise the affective relations involved in interface events
and creations.
Period28 Aug 201830 Aug 2018
Event typeConference
OrganiserAarhus University
LocationAarhus, DenmarkShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Affect
  • Interface
  • Event culture