Working with simulated forms of interaction in health care education: A creative approach to facilitate embodied and situated communication skills

Birgitte Ravn Olesen, Helle Merete Nordentoft

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


This paper argues that role-play as a simulated form of interaction - live and performed on video - is a creative method which has the potential to generate and support authentic dialogues in practice. In the paper we draw on experiences from 6 interdisciplinary workshops at a Danish hospital in which role-play of practice situations - both live and performed on video - formed the launching-pad for participants’ oral and written reflections. Our findings show that role-play has the potential to 1) develop professionals’ sensitivity to the significance of unexpected, embodied and emotional aspects of health care practices and 2) to display tensions between participants’ different perspectives on the same situation. We conclude that the dialogical process of raising reflexive awareness of tensions makes role-play a powerful creative method in health care education.
Publikationsdato13 aug. 2013
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 13 aug. 2013
Begivenhed32nd International Human Science Research Conference - Aalborg University, Aalborg, Danmark
Varighed: 13 aug. 201316 aug. 2013


Konference32nd International Human Science Research Conference
LokationAalborg University


  • simulated
  • role-play
  • interaction
  • emotional
  • health care

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