When do health care apps potentially lead to empowerment? The centrality of eHealth literacy in the meeting between patient and digital technology

Bidragets oversatte titel: En sammenligning af app til måling af AMD forværring hos ældre patienter og app til måling af højt blodtryk hos gravide kvinder: med brug af the e-health literacy framework som analytisk redskab

Anne Liveng*, Barbara Ann Barrett, Frederike Fahse

*Corresponding author

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


eHealth is considered a solution to healthcare challenges. The EU Interreg project NorDigHealth tested health technologies in clinical and qualitative studies.

Purpose of the study
The purpose of the analysis was to explore conditions for patient empowerment using apps in health care settings.

Methods and theory
The eHealth literacy framework was applied on qualitative data from the testing of two apps. One for measurement of progression in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in older patients and one for instructing pregnant women at risk for preeclampsia. The material consisted of 18 interviews with and observations of AMD-patients and 13 interviews with pregnant women. The concepts of eHealth literacy and empowerment was used.

Significant differences in eHealth literacy existed. Older patients had challenges in using the apps, partly due to low eHealth literacy, partly due to multimorbidity. They needed intensive instructions from the health professional at the clinic. Pregnant women used the app immediately and independently at home after instruction at the clinic. They had high eHealth literacy and found that the app gave a sense of control over their health.

eHealth literacy is crucial in implementation of apps. The e-health literacy framework provided an analytical tool for gaining insight into challenges and advantages for specific groups of patients when using apps. Health technologies in the form of apps hold potentials in relation to some groups of patients, while they for others lead to disempowerment
Bidragets oversatte titelEn sammenligning af app til måling af AMD forværring hos ældre patienter og app til måling af højt blodtryk hos gravide kvinder: med brug af the e-health literacy framework som analytisk redskab
TidsskriftScandinavian Journal of Public Health. Supplement
StatusUnder udarbejdelse - 2024
Begivenhed10th Nordich Health Promotion Research Conference: Sustainability and the impact on health and well-being - Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sverige
Varighed: 14 jun. 202316 jun. 2023
Konferencens nummer: 10


Konference10th Nordich Health Promotion Research Conference
LokationHalmstad University

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