What is the relationship between Dynamic Capabilities, Innovation Performance and Profitability

Niels Nolsøe Grünbaum, Marianne Stenger

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    The consequences of dynamic capabilities (i.e. innovation performance and profitability) is an under researched area in the growing body of literature on dynamic capabilities. This study aims to examine the relationship between dynamic capabilities, innovation performance and profitability of small and medium sized enterprises operating in volatile environments. A multi-case study design was adopted as research strategy. The findings reveal a positive relationship between dynamic capabilities and innovation performance in the case enterprises, as we would expect. It was, however, not possible to establish a positive relationship between innovation performance and profitability. Nor was there any positive relationship between dynamic capabilities and profitability.
    The main contribution of this study is a better understanding of the realm of small and medium sized enterprises’ internal and external business atmosphere. A sphere dominated, on the positive side, by high product quality, high product innovation, high flexibility, a very low return rate of failed products, a flat organization structure and an involving style of leadership. On the opposite pole it was dominated by a lack of systematism, assessment, monitoring, marketing speculations and feasibility calculation. Furthermore, the sphere was dictated by asymmetric supplier-customer relationships and negotiation power leading, among other possible factors, to meager profitability.
    Titel6th Annual International Conference on Business and Society in a Global Economy
    RedaktørerGregory T. Papanikos
    Antal sider1
    UdgivelsesstedAthen, Greece
    ForlagAthens Institute for Education and Research
    Publikationsdatodec. 2012
    ISBN (Trykt)978-960-9549-32-5
    StatusUdgivet - dec. 2012
    Begivenhed6th Annual International Conference on Business and Society in a Global Economy - Athen, Grækenland
    Varighed: 17 dec. 201220 dec. 2012


    Konference6th Annual International Conference on Business and Society in a Global Economy


    • Dynamiske kompetancer
    • case study
    • innovationsperformance
    • profitabilitet

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