What happened to the citizen and to co-creation? Discussing the raison d’être of Living Labs

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review

Publikationsdato1 jan. 2019
StatusUdgivet - 1 jan. 2019
Begivenhed4th PUBSIC Conference: Innovation in Public Services and Public Policy - Bocconi School of Management, Milano, Italien
Varighed: 23 jan. 201925 jan. 2019
Konferencens nummer: 4


Konference4th PUBSIC Conference
LokationBocconi School of Management
AndetInnovation is often articulated as a panacea for addressing social and economic problems in the modern world. However the models of innovation that are posed in this context both have often drawn from private sector experience in an undifferentiated way that conflates the manufacturing of products with the delivery of services, and have not taken into account he distinctive characteristics of public rather than private services.<br/><br/>In recent years this has begun to evolve, with an important body of knowledge on public service delivery emerging - for example, there was a special issue of Public Management Review devoted to this topic in 2014 whilst a major research programme of the European Commission on this topic has recently been concluded (LIPSE). Previous PUBSIC Conferences have also taken place in Shanghai, Budapest and Lillehammer over the past four years.<br/><br/>The 4th PUBSIC Conference will now take place at Bocconi University in Milan, from lunchtime on the 23rd January – lunchtime on the 25th January 2019.

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