What Do I Need to Know about Plurilingual-and-Intercultural and Democratic Competences?

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This chapter analyses the notions of plurilingual-and-intercultural competence and democratic competence as they are defined in the various documents published by the Council of Europe and explained in Chapter 1, by applying the concepts to an example of a plurilingual and intercul-tural encounter. In brief, the chapter seeks to answer the question formu-lated in the title by explaining that what teachers and others need to know about these competences is how they are needed and manifested in actual encounters and interactions and how this can be used pedagogically. The contexts of practice considered are interactions between high school stu-dents from South Korea and Denmark that were videorecorded in South Korea during a study exchange that was part of the Danish students’ ‘global citizenship’ curricular programme
TitelQuality and Equity in Education : A Practical Guide to the Council of Europe Vision of Education for Plurilingual, Intercultural and Democratic Citizenship
RedaktørerMichael Byram, Mike Fleming, Joseph Sheils
Antal sider11
ForlagMultilingual Matters
ISBN (Trykt)9781800414020, 9781800414013
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781800414037, 9781800414044
StatusUdgivet - 2023

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