“We are a rehabilitation unit, at least on paper” – Competing representations of recovery-oriented rehabilitation in dual diagnosis treatment policy and practice

Natja Bech Kjeldsen*, Tine Holm, Jeppe Oute

*Corresponding author

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Within dual diagnosis treatment, principles of recovery are increasingly acknowledged. Nevertheless, recovery-oriented rehabilitation often becomes an abstract concept, leaving professionals in various dilemmas. This article examines competing representations of recovery-oriented rehabilitation across Danish dual diagnosis treatment policy and practice from a post-structural, analytical perspective inspired by governmentality and problematization studies. The empirical foundation consists of a qualitative ethnographic study including conducting and examining 12 national policies relevant to contemporary Danish dual diagnosis treatment practice and 23 interviews with health/welfare professionals employed at a Danish in-patient, dual diagnosis rehabilitation unit. The analysis points to a complexity between three sets of competing representations reflected in 1) the conceptual relationship between rehabilitation and recovery, 2) perceptions of knowledge based on experience or evidence, and 3) ideals of optimization and emancipation. Finally, the article discusses convergences between the competing and, at times, conflictual ideals, attempting to explain the conceptual fluffiness, discrepancies, and dilemmas experienced by professionals in dual diagnosis treatment within broader epistemological and ideological debates in social sciences and humanities.

TidsskriftSocial Science & Medicine
Sider (fra-til)117160
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 1 sep. 2024

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