Vocational education and training in the Nordic countries: Different systems and common challenges

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The chapter examines the systems of vocational education and training (VET) in four Nordic countries, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. First, it identifies the common political challenges for VET, which the following chapters of the book examine. Next, it outlines shared qualities of the Nordic countries and the historical development of each of the four VET systems. This is followed by an examination of the role of VET in relation to the Nordic model of education and the Nordic labour market model. Finally, the position of VET in the Nordic transition systems is considered.
TitelVocational Education in the Nordic Countries : Learning from Diversity
RedaktørerChristian Helms Jørgensen, Ole Johnny Olsen, Daniel Persson Thunqvist
Antal sider28
UdgivelsesstedNew York
Publikationsdato15 maj 2018
ISBN (Trykt)9781138219809
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781315414492
StatusUdgivet - 15 maj 2018
NavnRoutledge Research in International and Comparative Education

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