Projekter pr. år
This report presents results from the 26th field season of the project "Investigations of the Peregrine Falcon in South Greenland". Following analyses of data from the first 22 years, the primary objectives of the study since 2005 has shifted towards monitoring of a fixed sample of nesting sites where reproduction, timing of breeding and monitoring of loads and effects of contaminants are carried out annually. Eleven sites have been selected, and in 2008 they produced 3.7 young/successful site and 3.1 young/ occupied territory, although this year the sample size (known outcome) was small. One whole addled egg was collected, fragments from hatched eggs collected in 6 nests, and moulted feathers from the adults collected at 4 nests. Among 6 nests, the first egg hatched between 27 June and 6 July (mean 30th June) - a little earlier than the average (4 July) for 1981-2007).
Originalsprog | Dansk |
Sider | 1-14 |
Antal sider | 14 |
Status | Udgivet - 2008 |
- Vandrefalk
- Grønland
- 1 Igangværende
Undersøgelse af Vandrefalken i Sydgrønland
Møller, S. (Projektdeltager) & Falk, K. (Projektdeltager)
01/06/1981 → …
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning