(Un-)learning with Utterslev Marsh in Copenhagen, Denmark: Propositions for co-inhabiting more-than-human ecologies

Linda Lapiņa*

*Corresponding author

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


This chapter is inspired by my ongoing movement practice with Utterslev marsh in Copenhagen, Denmark. Through poetic, dialogical and evocative writing, voice recordings and images from the marsh, I explore the possibilities of knowledge creation and communication that arise from moving-with more-than-human ecologies. I ask how the relationships emerging from moving-with enable un-learning, un-doing and being undone with regards to long-standing dichotomies between knowing subjects and objects of knowledge; body and mind; feelings and intellect. I propose withnessing and intra-dependence as practice-based tactics for developing sensibilities that enable unlearning asymmetrical power relations between subjects and objects in research, foregrounding complicity and accountability. Conceptually, this chapter draws on new materialisms, Indigenous knowledges and intersectional feminist thinking and brings conceptualizations of interculturality in conversation with insights from environmental humanities, multispecies and artistic research.
TitelUn-writing Interculturality in Education and Research
Antal sider26
ISBN (Trykt)9781032916439
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781040272305
StatusUdgivet - 2024

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