Tutoring executives online: What drives perceived quality

Stephane Bignoux, Kristian J. Sund

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Studies of learning and student satisfaction in the context of online university programmes have largely neglected programmes catering specifically to business executives. Such executives have typically been away from higher education for a number of years, and have collected substantial practical experience in the subject matters they are taught. Their expectations in terms of both content and delivery may therefore be different from non-executive students. We explore perceptions of the quality of tutoring in the context of an online executive MBA programme through participant interviews. We find that in addition to some of the tutor behaviours already discussed in the literature, executive students look specifically for practical industry knowledge and experience in tutors, when judging how effective a tutor is. This has implications for both the recruitment and training of online executive MBA tutors.
TidsskriftBehaviour and Information Technology
Udgave nummer7
Sider (fra-til)703-713
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2018

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