Treating AIDS in Uganda and South Africa: Semi-Authoritarian Technologies in Gendered Contexts of Insecurity

Lisa Ann Richey

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


    The concept of security has often narrowly focused on issues surrounding the protection of national borders from outside threats. However, a richer idea of human security has become increasingly important in the past decade or so. The aim is to incorporate various dimensions of the downside risks affecting the generalized well-being or dignity of people. Despite this rising prominence, the discourses surrounding human security have neglected to address the topic of gender, particularly how issues of poverty and underdevelopment impact women’s and men’s experiences and strategies differently.
    TitelGendered Insecurities, Health and African Development
    RedaktørerAmal Fadlalla, Howard Stein
    Antal sider21
    ISBN (Trykt)0415597846, 978-0415597845
    StatusUdgivet - 2012
    NavnRoutledge Studies in Development Economics

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