Transforming bodywork in eldercare with wash-and-dry toilets

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This paper addresses how the introduction of welfare technologies in Denmark makes the bodywork of eldercare an object of public governance, and investigates how wash-and-dry toilets co-constitute professional care work. First, a theoretical frame is established for studying care, with emphasis on bodywork as a socio-material and collective accomplishment. The paper then unfolds the great ex-pectations tied to welfare technologies in general, and wash-and-dry toilets specifically. Turning to differentiated examples of situated uses of the toilets, the complexity of making the toilets work within the context of professional eldercare is illustrated. Some of the uses of the toilets in care work are in concordance with policy expectations. Other uses demonstrate difficulties in satisfying the great expectations and call for a more complex understanding of what it takes to achieve digni-fied, technologically assisted care without silencing the skills and professionalism of care workers.
TidsskriftNordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Udgave nummerS5
Sider (fra-til)49-67
StatusUdgivet - 2 mar. 2019

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