Transformations of Professional Work in Psychiatric Health Care

Bidragets oversatte titel: Forandring af professionelt arbejde i psykiatrisk sundhedstjeneste

Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review


In psychiatry in Denmark health and social care is being replaced by diagnostic categorisations and a more consumerized relation between the health professionals and patients as self- responsible citizens. Increasing medicalization and New Public Management reforms and standardization for cost- effectiveness intertwine with a neo-liberal health policy of a “user- focus and user involvement”,that transforms psychiatric practice. Through the micro-sociological study of professionals working with patients in psychiatry, it is illuminated how patients/clients are objectified and left to care for themselves, and how professionalism is transformed into manualisation of practice, and test technologies replace meeting “significant others”.
Bidragets oversatte titelForandring af professionelt arbejde i psykiatrisk sundhedstjeneste
Publikationsdato1 maj 2015
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 1 maj 2015
BegivenhedNNHSH 2015: Encounters between Nordic Health, Welfare and the Global: Challenges and possibilities - UIB Global, University if Bergen, Bergen, Norge
Varighed: 4 maj 20155 maj 2015


KonferenceNNHSH 2015
LokationUIB Global, University if Bergen

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