Towards a Demand-Driven Agenda for Place-Based Policies in the EU: Second Report of Results from the PICK-ME Project

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


This policy study is the second report on the policy implications of the EU funded project Policy Incentives for the Creation of Knowledge – Methods and Evidence (PICK-ME).
All contributions in the project related with place-based policy and cluster building are summarized and reviewed (Work Packages 5 and 6). The policy implications are placed in the context of a wider population of research with outset in citations of the seminal study by Baptista and Swann (1998) which investigated whether firms in clusters innovate more.
The policy implications from the study may be summarized as follows. Singular clusters in terms of both industry, activity in value chains, size and origin are likely to be outperformed by clusters that unite related industries, encompass a broader range of activities, and include firms of different sizes and origins both in terms of status quo innovatory capacity and long-term viability through the emergence of new and related industries over time. Labor market policies are an important area of research with respect to the study of innovation in clusters and how to create incentives for clusters that combine related types of knowledge. The policy review also showed that this research is still in its relative infancy and lack in particular in the area of de facto evaluation of already tried out policies.
The most urgent task for researchers and policy-makers it is suggested is to develop theories and tools that may aid in the task of detecting related forms of knowledge and creating institutions to achieve coordination mechanisms that use principles of market forces and lead firms towards creating the same ends.
ForlagCenter for Social and Economic Research (CASE)
Antal sider30
StatusUdgivet - 31 aug. 2014
Udgivet eksterntJa

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