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Most would agree that trust is absolutely essential in social and pedagogical work, and that establishing and sustaining trusting relations with children in vulnerable positions can be a challenging task. Indeed, it is not always easy to discern the small things in daily interaction that create, challenge, destroy and repair trust. In this article, Warming presents a theoretical framework for analysing how trust relations are built up, challenged and affirmed in everyday interactions between children and adults. She does this based on a Bourdieu-inspired reworking of Luhmann’s concept of trust, combined with insights from the new sociology of childhood and empirical findings from explorative workshops and qualitative interviews with children and young people in vulnerable positions. Central to Warming’s conceptualisation of processes of trust (and distrust) is that the creation and maintenance of trust relations requires recognition and the empowering involvement of children’s / young people’s perspectives. The theoretical framework, she presents, enables critical reflections and discussion of how societal structures and power relations condition – and are reshaped by – trust and distrust.
Bidragets oversatte titelTrust and listening to children’s perspectives
TidsskriftPædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)30-38
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2017

Bibliografisk note

Temanummer: "Børneperspektiver og børnenes stemmer"

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