The unreliable translator’s territory: Mogens Boisen’s Danish translations of James Joyce’s Ulysses

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This study investigates the types of fingerprints that the Danish translator Mogens Boisen applies in his first translation (passive retranslation) and
subsequent two self-retranslations (active retranslations) of the novel Ulysses by James Joyce. Through analysis of the translator’s contextual voice in the paratexts and textual voice in two selected passages with striking cultural embedding in the last translation, I argue that Boisen retains Ulysses as his personal territory of pleasure and pain by way of bodily signposts in the target text. In this way Boisen paradoxically creates a kind of hybrid foreignization which might have pleased Joyce.
TidsskriftThe AALITRA Review: A Journal of Literary Translation
Sider (fra-til)16-27
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 22 dec. 2021


  • Translation
  • Oversættelse
  • Literary translation
  • Litterær oversættelse
  • Mogens Boisen
  • James Joyce
  • Ulysses
  • Translator
  • Oversætter
  • Stil

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