The roles of Mesopotamian bronze age mathematics tool for state formation and administration: carrier of teachers' professional intellectual autonomy

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The article describes the social and cultural roles of Mesopotamian mathematics and the interplay of these roles with such patterns of mathematical thought as can be traced through the sources; it covers the period from the first formation of a genuine state, shortly after the mid-fourth millennium BCE, until the end of the Old Babylonian' epoch, c. 1600 BCE.

The picture presented is a historical reconstruction; little of what it asserts can be found directly in a single source. Full documentation would ask for a bibliography longer than the article. This being both impossible and without purpose, some publications of importance are listed in concluding "Bibliographic Remarks"; in these, further bibliography can be found.

TidsskriftEducational Studies in Mathematics
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)257-271
StatusUdgivet - 2007

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