The Role of Boundary Objects in Public-Private Innovation Networks: The Story about Næstved Health School

Bidragets oversatte titel: Grænseobjekters rolle i offentlig-private innovationsnetværk: Historien om Næstved Sundhedsskole

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til rapportForskning


    The aim of the contribution is to describe and analyze the process through which a health school was established and to show how involved actors inability to construct an attractive boundary object may explain the lack of further public-private collaboration around the health school (it was developed, tested out for a short period and then closed).
    Bidragets oversatte titelGrænseobjekters rolle i offentlig-private innovationsnetværk: Historien om Næstved Sundhedsskole
    TitelCase Studies in Service Innovation
    Antal sider3
    Publikationsdato7 jun. 2010
    StatusUdgivet - 7 jun. 2010

    Bibliografisk note

    Centre for Service Research, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester in collaboration with SRll Service Innovation SIG


    • Service innovation
    • Grænseobjekter
    • Offentligt-privat samarbejde

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