The researcher as a (strategic) storyteller: Lessons learned from communicating results from a study in Copenhagen

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


In Denmark – as in most other Western European countries – public and political debates over migration are heated and polarized. As scholars carrying out research of diverse cities and neighborhoods it is practically impossible to stay out of the debate. Based on 1) results from a large – both historical and fieldwork based - study of an ethnically and socially diverse district in Copenhagen, and 2) experiences with organizing guided walking tours in the area (based on research results), I will discuss the potential of mixing untraditional ways of research communication and cultural geographical theory to further urban research’s (constructive) public engagement. In my paper, I will – in detail - discuss what we may gain from bringing diverse publics to our research sites. The paper also shows how abstract theoretical positions within cultural geography can be made accessible and even tangible to the public. One conclusion that the study has produced is how “the story” that is told about the neighborhood - across historical periods - is defining for the political action and identity politics among diverse groups of residents. Pointing to the weight of such stories and how they shape public discourse over time, can be a tool for nuancing prevalent stereotypical perceptions of ethnically diverse neighborhoods. In conclusion, I will reflect on how combining scholarly and popular communication strategies can both strengthen research and inform the public.
Publikationsdato14 apr. 2018
StatusUdgivet - 14 apr. 2018
BegivenhedAmerican Association of Geographers' Annual Meeting - Marriott French Quarter, New Orleans, USA
Varighed: 10 apr. 201814 apr. 2018 (Konference hjemmeside)


KonferenceAmerican Association of Geographers' Annual Meeting
LokationMarriott French Quarter
ByNew Orleans

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