The process of service infusion in manufacturing companies and the impact on corporate strategies in the service solutions market - driving forces and components: A case study of 'servitization' in the life cycle of Wind Power Turbines and de development of corporate strategies in the marketing of O&M Services.

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The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of ‘servitization’ and ‘service infusion’ in manufacturing companies (e.g. the wind turbine industry), how it changes the industry ́s ‘product-service systems’ (PSS) defined as “a marketable set of products and services ca-pable of jointly fulfilling a user ́s need” (Goedekoop et al 1999) and why services are increas-ingly becoming an important part of the business model and innovation process of complex capital goods and products resulting in different corporate strategies for the solutions market. How the manufacturing companies decides to organize (‘internally’ or ‘externally’) their offer-ings in the service solutions market, i.e. choose their corporate strategy regarding the service solutions market is determined by the impact of the specific market, the complexity of their goods and services, use of ‘big data’, the institutional ‘set up’ on different geographical mar-kets and their specific customer relations.
Titel27th RESER Conference Bilbao Sep 7-9 2017 : The Crucial Role of Services in Business and Cities Competitiveness
RedaktørerEstibaliz Hernandez, David Sanchez, Saioa Arando
Antal sider24
ForlagMondragon Unibertsitatea
Publikationsdato7 sep. 2017
ISBN (Trykt)978-84-697-5412-2
StatusUdgivet - 7 sep. 2017
BegivenhedRESER Annual Conference in Bilbao, Spain: The crucial role of services in business and cities competitiveness - Bilbao, Spanien
Varighed: 7 sep. 20179 sep. 2017
Konferencens nummer: 27 (Konferencehjemmeside)


KonferenceRESER Annual Conference in Bilbao, Spain


  • Servitization
  • Product-Service-Systems
  • Corporate Strategies
  • Wind Turbine Industry
  • Service Solutions Market and O&M (Output & Maintenance) Service Agreements

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