The Persistent Constraints of New Public Management on Sustainable Co-Production between Non-Profit Professionals and Service Users

Caitlin McMullin*

*Corresponding author

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In this paper, I explore whether and how New Public Management (NPM) inhibits the long-term sustainability of co-production between non-profit practitioners and service users in the United Kingdom. I show how the key elements of NPM (contracts and competitive tendering, performance measurement, a pressure for non-profits to become more ‘business-like’, and the framing of citizens as ‘customers’) provide distinct barriers for non-profits to engage in co-production over the longer term, inhibiting the long-term creation of value for citizens. Through an analysis of seven case study organisations, this paper contributes to building theory about the sustainability of co-production, the factors that shape enduring co-production, and the compatibility/incompatibility of NPM tools with co-production.

TidsskriftAdministrative Sciences
Udgave nummer2
StatusUdgivet - feb. 2023
Udgivet eksterntJa

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the author.

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