The Lived Experiences of Persons Hospitalized for Construction of an Urgent Fecal Ostomy

Per Herlufsen*, Anne Brødsgaard

*Corresponding author

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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to describe the lived experiences of hospital stays for patients undergoing urgent ostomy surgery.

DESIGN: Qualitative, descriptive, phenomenological study.

SUBJECTS AND SETTING: Six persons undergoing acute hospital admission and urgent ileostomy or colostomy surgery (either permanent or temporary) participated in the study. Participants were of Danish ethnicity and between the ages of 48 and 75 years. The research setting was the surgical department at a university hospital in the Capital Region of Denmark.

METHODS: Data collection and analyses were guided by a Reflective Lifeworld Research approach; this approach is based on phenomenological philosophy. Data were collected during in-depth interviews using a semistructured interview guide. Their average length was 50 minutes (range, 30-65 minutes). Interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed. Transcriptions were analyzed in 4 phases according to the principles of Reflective Lifeworld Research.

RESULTS: The phenomenon we labeled "lived experiences of acute hospitalization with construction of an urgent unplanned fecal ostomy" comprised 4 constituents: (1) undergoing unexpected bodily changes, (2) partnership with professional caregivers, (3) experience of vulnerability, and (4) a lack of continuity. These constituents can be described as a number of challenges due to both hospitalization and ostomy creation.

CONCLUSION: We found that individuals experience a number of challenges due to acute hospitalization and urgent construction of a fecal ostomy. These challenges are due to the unexpected bodily changes and interpersonal and organizational conditions. Nurses should be aware of not only the physical implications of urgent creation of a fecal ostomy but also the individual and psychological implications of this event.

TidsskriftWOCN: Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)557-561
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2017
Udgivet eksterntJa

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