The European Neighbourhood Policy and Islamist actors in the southern neighbourhood

Michelle Pace, Sarah Wolff

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


EU policies towards the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have increasingly focused on how the EU can engage with so called “moderate” Islamist movements. Starting with some reflections about definitions of Islamist actors in the region, this chapter briefly traces the role that Islamists in the MENA have been given in the EU’s bilateral initiatives and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) before moving on to a more nuanced analysis of this role in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Through extensive fieldwork by the authors over a number of years in the southern neighbourhood of the EU as well as in Brussels, this chapter sheds light on the views of such movements and their willingness to become engaged and involved with the EU in its foreign policies - at the political and strategic levels. Given the developments in the region since the Arab uprisings, we investigate, more specifically, the role and place of Islamist movements in the EU’s democratization policies. We conclude this chapter with a set of policy recommendations on how a revitalized ENP, in light of the 2015 ENP review process, can better integrate Islamist movements through mutual respect, peaceful and non-violent forms of political participation.
TitelThe Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy
RedaktørerTobias Schumacher, Andreas Marchetti, Thomas Demmelhuber
Antal sider13
UdgivelsesstedAbingdon, Oxford
ForlagTaylor & Francis
Publikationsdato12 dec. 2017
ISBN (Trykt)9781138913721
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781315691244
StatusUdgivet - 12 dec. 2017
NavnRoutledge handbooks

Bibliografisk note


Tobias Schumacher isthe Chairholder of the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair at the College of Europe, Natolin, Poland. He is also an Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for International Studies (CEI-IUL) at the University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal.
Andreas Marchetti is a Senior Fellow at the Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI) at the University of Bonn, Germany. He is also Founder and Director of politglott GmbH.
Thomas Demmelhuber is Professor of Middle East Politics and Society in the Department of Political Science at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, and since 2015 he has been Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Natolin, Poland.


  • European Neighbourhood Policy
  • Islamist actors
  • Southern neighbourhood
  • MENA
  • Middle East
  • North Africa
  • Mediterranean
  • Arab uprisings
  • Arab spring
  • Ennahda
  • The Muslim Brotherhood
  • Hamas
  • Justice and Development Party (PJD), Morocco
  • Al Adl Wal Ishane
  • Oslo at 25

    Pace, M. (Taler), Pappe, I. (Taler), Dalton, R. (Taler), Short, C. (Taler), Swisher, C. (Taler), Tartir, A. (Taler), Smith, A. (Taler), Naser-Najjab, N. (Taler), Latte Abdallah, S. (Taler), Hawwash, K. (Taler), Abu Zayd, K. (Taler), Dajani, O. (Taler), Hearst, D. (Taler), Tilley, V. (Taler), Wildeman, J. (Taler), Khanfar, W. (Taler) & Khashoggi, J. (Taler)

    29 sep. 2018

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation og deltagelse i konference

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