The Circle of Life? - entanglements of disposability, renewability and livability in the Danish "ghetto"

Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskning


Presents a preliminary biopolitical montage of fragments from policy documents addressing migrant homes including the Danish National Building Fund’s strategic support initiatives for the social housing sector (2010-2020) combined with accumulated observations from websites and talks with scholars and activists. Hence, argues that so-called ghetto areas in Denmark work as sites of experimentation in which the concrete’s racialized lives become disposable in efforts of promoting sustainable livability.
Publikationsdato6 dec. 2023
StatusUdgivet - 6 dec. 2023
BegivenhedScandinavian Sustainability Transitions Revisited in an Intersectional Perspective - Institut for mennesker og teknologi, Roskilde Universitet, Roskilde, Danmark
Varighed: 6 dec. 20236 dec. 2023


SeminarScandinavian Sustainability Transitions Revisited in an Intersectional Perspective
LokationInstitut for mennesker og teknologi, Roskilde Universitet
AndetAt this event, we aim to discuss how discourses and practices that we call sustainable green transitioning (re)produce a plethora of entrenched inequalities. Across the sites where everyday lives are lead, implementations are envisioned, decisions are negotiated, and interventions are performed, we invite a collective and interdisciplinary questioning: What are the intersectional consequences of sustainability efforts, and how can we do otherwise? The seminar presentations encompass a multiplicity of sectoral perspectives, dealing for example, with housing, the energy sector, working life, etc. We engage with both practice and discourse and examine the embeddedness of values that shape how we vision, understand and implement sustainability measures, and with what intersectional impact and consequences.<br/><br/>We are joined by Pernilla Hagbert (a researcher in sustainability transitions at the dept. of Urban Planning and Environment, at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology) and Jimmy Sand (an analyst at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, situated at the University of Gothenburg).<br/><br/>The event is organised in collaboration with the Centre for Gender, Power and Diversity (RUC) and the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (Lund University), the research groups, Organisation, Ethics and Social Sustainability (OrgESS) and Working Life (Aliv).<br/><br/>You can join us online or onsite at Roskilde University.


  • sustainabililty
  • Renewability
  • Disposability
  • livability
  • Ghetto
  • dispositif
  • Montage

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