The Case of Roskilde University E-Services

Simon Heilesen

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskning


    Examining electronic services both as products and as organization, this chapter discusses the development and management of e-services at Roskilde University, Denmark. The services in question can be distinguished according to purpose into products meant for administration, communication, education, and integration. The chapter discusses several examples of e-services from the point of view of adoption of technological innovation. Further, it is argued that participatory design and voluntary adoption are factors favourable to, but also challenging to the adoption of e-services. The technical and organizational integration of e-services are also touched upon, as is the importance of maintaining a creative environment for developing the services. The chapter concludes by outlining some challenges to the continued diffusion of e-services in the organization.

    TitelCases on Managing E-Services
    RedaktørerAda Scupola
    Antal sider15
    UdgivelsesstedHershey, PA
    ForlagIdea Group Publishing
    Sider189 - 203
    ISBN (Trykt)978-1-60566-064-6
    ISBN (Elektronisk)978-1-60566-065-3
    StatusUdgivet - 2008
    NavnPremier reference source


    • IT-administration
    • IT-services
    • Højere uddannelse
    • IT-udbredelse
    • IT-ledelse
    • IT-strategi
    • Organisationsudvikling
    • Participatorisk design
    • Teknologi-integration
    • Brugerinddragelse

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