Television Journalism During Terror Attacks

    Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


    This article views television news coverage of ongoing terrorist attacks and their
    immediate aftermath as a special genre within journalism, and describes norms connected with the genre. The description is based on qualitative analyses of the coverage on the major American networks in the fi rst 24 hours after the events on September 11, 2001, and on semi-structured personal interviews with 37 journalists who covered the events for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and FOX News. In accordance with legal and moral philosopher Alf Ross, each of the norms was expressed as a directive in the interviews and also refl ected in the journalistic practices. The described norms form a coherent pattern if safeguarding the existing democracy and the general public is considered to be the main purpose. A coverage based on this pattern of norms can be compared to other forms of crisis management following attacks because it counteracts well known symptoms of national crisis.
    Publikationsdato19 apr. 2007
    Antal sider20
    StatusUdgivet - 19 apr. 2007
    BegivenhedMedia War Conflict, Launch Conference - Milwaukee, USA
    Varighed: 19 apr. 200720 apr. 2007


    KonferenceMedia War Conflict, Launch Conference

    Bibliografisk note

    Paper was published in 2008 in Media War Conflict, SAGE


    • 9/11
    • crisis manager
    • genrer
    • professional norms
    • Alf Ross
    • television
    • terror
    • journalism
    • Media, War & Conflict

      Mogensen, K. (Deltager)

      19 apr. 200720 apr. 2007

      Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation og deltagelse i konference

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