Sustainable Solutions to the Global Climate Problem: The Case of the Renewable and Green Energy Company Ørsted

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How can we deal with climate in sustainable development? The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are proposed by the United Nations as important visions for a sustainable future for humanity. How does this relate to business ethics and corporate social responsibility in sustainable development? This chapter analyzes the vision, mission, and strategy and production of the Danish renewable energy company Ørsted that transformed from being the Danish Oil and Natural Gas Company (DONG) to be an offshore wind energy company relying entirely on producing renewable and green energy. Ørsted is an energy company that implements values-driven management and SDGs in practical business. Here, sustainable development is integrated in the function, meaning, and aim of a business organization. Looking at different strategies for creating values and values-driven management, Ørsted relies on a strategy of transformation towards sustainability through a competitive business strategy of being the best energy provider through production of green and renewable energy. This strategy can be defined not only as “creating shared value”, but rather in a deeper sense as “shared value creation”, where the company considers itself as a part of a more sustainable future for business and society. With Ørsted we see an effort to make sustainability for business and society a key dimension of the business model of the company. In this chapter, we will look closer into the business model for creating shared value and shared value creation of Ørsted as a key contributor to sustainable development, zero-carbon emissions, and a future with control over climate change on the globe.
TitelValue Creation for a Sustainable World : Innovating for Ecological Regeneration and Human Flourishing
RedaktørerLaszlo Zsolnai, Thomas Walker, Paul Shrivastava
Antal sider18
ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
ISBN (Trykt)9783031380150 [hbk], 9783031380181 [pbk]
ISBN (Elektronisk)9783031380167
StatusUdgivet - 2023
NavnPalgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth


  • Renewable energy
  • Sustainable development
  • Zero-carbon emissions
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Creating shared value

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