Sustainability at Home: The Case of Vacuum Cleaners

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


Household practices are a microcosm that shows how we think about sus-tainability on an everyday basis. This study focuses on vacuuming, which is a household chore with similarities to routine work activities. The 24 partici-pants in the study merely considered sustainability a minor aspect in their decisions about which vacuum cleaner to buy. Brand, price, and suction power were top considerations. With respect to repair/replace decisions, par-ticipants tended to favor repair, that is, the more sustainable option. Howev-er, decisions to repair a vacuum cleaner that broke down were often on the condition that it could be done cheaply. In contrast, decisions to replace were never conditional. Finally, participants exhibited cross-country differences in the importance they attached to sustainability. These differences suggest that national discourses have the power to influence individual householders’ views on sustainability.
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2023
BegivenhedSHWID Workshop on Sustainable Human-Work Interaction De-
signs: Workshop at the INTERACT2023 conference
- INTERACT 2023 conference, York, Storbritannien
Varighed: 29 aug. 202329 aug. 2023


WorkshopSHWID Workshop on Sustainable Human-Work Interaction De-
LokationINTERACT 2023 conference


  • Sustainabililty
  • repair
  • replace
  • home automation
  • vacuum cleaner

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