Supporting rights and nurturing networks: The case of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in Peru

Fiona Wilson, Rosalind Eyben

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskning


    The article explores how a bilateral aid donor (British DFID) managed their organizational and relational work when the local office (in Peru) put rights at the centre of their policy. Taking the example of DFID support to alternative thinking in the health sector, critical questions are raised about the way donors engage with local networks.
    TitelRelationships for aid
    RedaktørerRosalind Eyben
    Antal sider18
    UdgivelsesstedLondon and Sterling, VA
    ISBN (Trykt)10: 1-84407-280-0, 13: 978-1-84407-280-4
    StatusUdgivet - 2006

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