Benefits and Barriers of Information and Communication Technologies Adoption in Facilities Management Services Supply Chain

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    This paper presents the results of a study of factors impacting information and communication technology (ICT) adoption in the supply chain of facilities management services. The research questions addressed in this study are: What are the key factors that influence adoption and assimilation of ICT systems in the supply chain of facilities management services? By taking the starting point in the literature of supply chain, supply chain management, facilities management and ICT adoption a semi-structured interview guide has been developed and 12 in depth interviews have been conducted.  The results show that there are a number of factors that influence adoption and assimilation of ICT in the supply chain of facilities management services, which have been grouped into organizational, technology and environmental factors. The study is relevant to researchers of ICT adoption, supply chain and facilities as well as managers in these fields.   

    Antal sider24
    StatusUdgivet - 2010
    BegivenhedEURAM - ROME, Italien
    Varighed: 19 maj 201022 maj 2010
    Konferencens nummer: 10



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    • Supply Chain
    • ICTs
    • Adoption
    • Facilities Management Services

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