Situated inequality across school and leisure time: Changing practices, relations and communities: Children’s everyday lives in and across diverse contexts

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


Children are positioned unequally in relation to possibilities of participation in their lives across school and leisure time institutions. Often this production of inequality is understood as related to social inheritance and intergenerational reproduction of social family background. However, statistical and qualitative studies point out, that these relations are not automatic, causal and predictable. Inequality in school seems related to children’s access to social resources within
schools, which again relates to concrete situated collaboration and conflicts among different participants here – teachers, parents, pedagogues and psychologists. In this paper, we present insight into social dynamics in the everyday life among both children and different professionals and illustrate how inequality is related to social situations and nexuses across children’s compound everyday life contexts – in order to understand how different professionals understandings and interventions interplay in relation to the children’s conduct
of everyday life.
StatusUdgivet - 2022
Begivenhed9th Nordic-Baltic ISCAR 2022: Towards inclusive and just societies: A dialogue with, within and beyond chat - University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Varighed: 14 jun. 202216 jun. 2022
Konferencens nummer: 9


Konference9th Nordic-Baltic ISCAR 2022
LokationUniversity of Helsinki
AndetThe 9th Nordic-Baltic ISCAR 2022 conference will be held between 14 and 16 June 2022 in Helsinki, Finland. We have organized the conference to be in a hybrid format in which both online and in-person participation will be possible.<br/><br/>A defining feature of Cultural-Historical Activity Theory scholarship across the globe is exploring opportunities for future development: not what is, but rather what could be. This makes CHAT particularly poised to invigorate our imagination on possible futures for our communities and societies in times of enduring adversity and hardship. In such times, even the most spirited will requires rejuvenation, a re-instilling of a sense of hope and for it to be possible to move forward.<br/><br/>However, there should be no room for complacency. The CHAT community needs to be self-critical and acknowledge its own complicity and blind spots. When imagining new futures, it is vital to ask who is imagining and especially who is not. In order for CHAT to develop and regenerate, debates within CHAT as well as with other theoretical approaches and perspectives are vital. Only through these kinds of discussions can we start down the path of ensuring CHAT’s ability to answer timely societal needs.<br/><br/>In the spirit of our theme, we cordially invite scholars to contribute with their topical research and to join us in discussing what future directions our scholarly work offers for fostering more inclusive, equal and sustainable communities and societies globally for all. The CHAT community has a strong tradition of studying activities in all of their diversity, whether it be learning and play in early childhood, school, education and learning at various levels, youth activism and everyday life as well as working life and organizational learning processes. We welcome contributions on all of these topics<br/><br/>Keynote speakers at the event will be Professors Yrjö Engeström and Reijo Miettinen from the University of Helsinki, Finland and Professor Shirin Vossoughi from Northwestern University, USA. <br/>

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