Semantic Frameworks: Methodological Reflextions on How to Understand Mekeo "Sorcery" and "Magic"

Steen Bergendorff

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    This article departs from what has become known as Mekeo "sorcery" to argue that postfieldwork analysis should pay special attention to local organizations of meaning and how these are reflected in local practices. With this in mind, I first seek to eliminate Western notions from my field notes. The local meaning system is then uncovered with the help of locally narrated stories about the Mekeo deity, A'aisa. Finally, the way these stories narrate the relationship between essence and appearance is used as a template to understand the Mekeo sorcerer and his magic
    TidsskriftField Methods
    Udgave nummer4
    Sider (fra-til)407-424
    Antal sider18
    StatusUdgivet - 2007

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