Self-rostering and psychosocial work factors: A mixed methods intervention study

Bidragets oversatte titel: Selvvalgt arbejdstid og psykosociale faktorer i arbejdet : En flermetodisk interventions studie

Åse Marie Hansen, Kirsten Nabe-Nielsen, Karen Albertsen, Henrik Lambrecht Lund, Annie Høgh (Hogh), Helge Hvid, Anne Helene Garde

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


    This study aims at 1) examining the effect of self-rostering on emotional demands, quantitative demands, work pace, influence, social community at work, social support from leaders and colleagues, job satisfaction, and negative acts, 2) examining whether this effect was mediated through increased influence on the scheduling of working hours, and interpreting the results in light of the different implementation processes that emerged in the study and by including qualitative data. We conducted a 12 months follow-up, quasi-experimental study of self-rostering among 28 workplaces out of which 14 served as reference workplaces. We also interviewed 26 employees and 14 managers about their expectations of introducing self-rostering. In the present study implementation of self-rostering had a positive effect on job demands and the social environment of the workplace, especially if the intervention does not comprise drastic changes of the organisation of the employees' work and private life
    Bidragets oversatte titelSelvvalgt arbejdstid og psykosociale faktorer i arbejdet : En flermetodisk interventions studie
    TidsskriftApplied Ergonomics
    Sider (fra-til)203-210
    Antal sider8
    StatusUdgivet - mar. 2015


    • Fleksibel arbejdstid
    • Social støtte

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