Self-Determination after Kosovo

Stefan Wolff, Annemarie Peen Rodt

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    This article discusses the meaning of self-determination in its historical and contemporary contexts and examines the different options available for the accommodation of contested self-determination claims. Among these, the creation of a new state, arguably, is the most radical of options and one that has significant regional and global implications beyond the territory to which it is applied. Detailing these implications in relation to the case of Kosovo, we make a broader argument that, even if secession is one mechanism to resolve self-determination disputes, this does not do away with the need to continue exploring settlements short of secession as alternatives to changing established international boundaries.
    TidsskriftEurope-Asia Studies
    Udgave nummer5
    Sider (fra-til)799-822
    StatusUdgivet - 5 jul. 2013


    • self-determination
    • Kosovo
    • Sovereignty

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