Selection of best entrepreneurship practices in relation to the emerging 3D internet

Lisbeth Frølunde, Bjørn-Tore Flåten

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


    This report focuses on entrepreneurship in relation to the 3D internet in general (aka virtual worlds, virtual environments, etc.) and the selection of best practices specifically. In preparing this report, we focused primarily on the Nordic countries and the USA and on empirically-based research articles.
    We faced three major challenges when going through the scientific research literature: 1) the lack of and fragmentation of knowledge due to the relative infancy of the 3D internet field and its interdisciplinary nature across many research fields, 2) the fluid definitions of terms regarding the 3D internet and fun/serious business, and 3) the difficulty of getting an overview and from this base, determining relevant activities (we prefer the term “next” rather than “best practices”).
    The report is structured in four parts as follows: 1) our perspectives, 2) the approach to the topic of entrepreneurship in relation to the emergence of virtual worlds / 3D internet, 3) the definitions and review of literature on entrepreneurship, 4) selection of best entrepreneurial practices, and 5) discussion and preliminary conclusions.
    ForlagNordic Innovation
    UdgaveNordic VW Network Project 09045
    Antal sider22
    Rekvirerende organisationNordic Innovation
    StatusUdgivet - 2011

    Bibliografisk note

    Nordic Virtual Worlds Network projektet er støttet af Nordic Innovation.
    Rapporten udgives i 2012 via deres site.

    Note vedr. afhandling

    Stockholm School of Economics (Project Owner) Robin Teigland


    • 3D internet
    • entrepreneurship
    • innovation
    • Virtual world
    • next practices

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