Seasonal strategies in the world's oceans

André W. Visser*, Philipp Brun, Subhendu Chakraborty, Tim Spaanheden Dencker, P. Daniël van Denderen, Rob van Gemert, Hans van Someren Gréve, Irene Heilmann, Mark Wejlemann Holm, Sigrún Huld Jónasdóttir, Kasia M. Kenitz, Thomas Kiørboe, Martin Lindegren, Patrizio Mariani, Lasse Tor Nielsen, Marina Pancic, Mark Payne, Lauréne Pécuchet, Nicolas Azaña Schnedler-Meyer, Uffe Høgsbro ThygesenAnna Törnroos, Ken H. Andersen

*Corresponding author

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Throughout much of the world's oceans, life is organized around seasonal cycles of feast and famine. Here we seek to understand the life-history strategies by which marine organisms contend with seasonal variations through a range of adaptations and traits, including overwintering stages, dormancy, investment in reserves, and migration. Our perspective is broad, spanning across marine food webs, from unicellular plankton to whales, and covering all latitudes, from the equator to the poles. The analysis is organized around a simple mechanistic life history optimization model. The model generates several general hypotheses: (i) small organisms should cope with winters by making resting stages or by dormancy; (ii) medium-sized organisms should build reserves and perform seasonal vertical migration to reduce predation; (iii) large organisms should primarily employ latitudinal migrations to follow seasonal peaks in production. Subsequently, these hypotheses are tested against a large assemblage of observations and data reported in the literature. Body size, trophic level, and the intensity and duration of seasonal highs and lows appear to be closely related to seasonal strategies. Some, but not all of these hypotheses are borne out by our analysis of data. In particular, we find that organisms with a lifespan on the order of the seasonal length employ a multitude of strategies.

TidsskriftProgress in Oceanography
StatusUdgivet - 1 nov. 2020

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Centre for Ocean Life, a VKR Centre of Excellence supported by the Villum Foundation. We wish to acknowledge many current and retired scientists at SAHFOS for their continuous efforts to maintain the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. RvG was supported by the MARmaED project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675997. The results of this work reflect only the authors’ views and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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