Redefining Democratic Welfare: Openings and Future Orientations: Action Research in Danish Day Care Centres

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This chapter analyses how Action Research holds a genuine potential for promoting knowledge creation that can respond to the societal challenges faced by local communities. Building on a three-year Action Research project aiming to provide local communities with a say in future sustainability research, author have exemplifies how certain types of collaboration across local communities and expert cultures can allow for new orientations of science to emerge. In particular, author argues how Critical Utopian Action Research provides a methodological framework for doing so by building on a number of key concepts: the creation and doubling of free space, the common third, free distance and social imagination. A number of key principles seem particularly relevant: shared problem definition, funding possibilities for long-term collaboration processes, possibilities for researchers to work with local communities on their premises and academic recognition of the value of Action Research processes at the community level.

TitelAction Research for Democracy : New Ideas and Perspectives from Scandinavia
RedaktørerEwa Gunnarsson, Hans Peter Hansen, Birger Steen Nielsen, Nadarajah Sriskandarajah
Antal sider19
UdgivelsesstedNew York, Abingdon
ISBN (Trykt)9781138961227
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781315659909, 9781317335450
StatusUdgivet - 2016
NavnAdvances in Research Methods Series

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