Problem-oriented Project Learning (PPL), developed at Roskilde University (RUC) in Denmark, faces challenges in responding to diversity in the student population, including increasing numbers of international students. RUC has responded strategically by introducing a new pedagogic principle of ‘international insight and vision’ encouraging all educational programmes to integrate international, intercultural and global perspectives.
Method: The new principle of ‘international insight and vision’ has strong similarities with the concept of global learning (de Oliveira Andreotti et. al., 2015; Green, 2019) that has built on the concepts of internationalization at home (Wihlborg & Robson, 2018) and internationalization of the curriculum (Leask, 2016). The paper discusses how the PPL principles of exemplarity (the way students’ interest in their projects can articulate with broader social or knowledge problems) and problem-orientation (how the project problem defines the nature of interdisciplinary inquiry) can be viewed as cornerstones for re-thinking PPL as a form of global learning.
Discussion: The paper briefly introduces PPL as a distinctive approach to higher education and situated in the changing demographics of Danish society and Danish universities (Lueg, 2015) and the Danish government’s internationalization strategy (The Danish Government, 2010). The principles of exemplarity and problem-orientation are introduced and re-read through the concept of global learning. The paper concludes by outlining potential strategic and pedagogic actions that can a) rearticulate PPL as a powerful form of global learning, and b) offer pedagogic direction to PBL more widely.
Literature: de Oliveira Andreotti, V., Biesta, G., & Ahenakew, C. (2015). Between the nation and the globe: Education for global mindedness in Finland, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 13:2,246-259.Green, W. (2019). Engaging “Students as Partners” in Global Learning: Some Possibilities and Provocations, Journal of Studies in International Education, 23(1), 10-29.Leask, B. (2016) Internationalizing Curriculum and Learning for All Students. In: Jones E., Coelen R., Beelen J., Wit H.. (eds) Global and Local Internationalization. Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam.
Method: The new principle of ‘international insight and vision’ has strong similarities with the concept of global learning (de Oliveira Andreotti et. al., 2015; Green, 2019) that has built on the concepts of internationalization at home (Wihlborg & Robson, 2018) and internationalization of the curriculum (Leask, 2016). The paper discusses how the PPL principles of exemplarity (the way students’ interest in their projects can articulate with broader social or knowledge problems) and problem-orientation (how the project problem defines the nature of interdisciplinary inquiry) can be viewed as cornerstones for re-thinking PPL as a form of global learning.
Discussion: The paper briefly introduces PPL as a distinctive approach to higher education and situated in the changing demographics of Danish society and Danish universities (Lueg, 2015) and the Danish government’s internationalization strategy (The Danish Government, 2010). The principles of exemplarity and problem-orientation are introduced and re-read through the concept of global learning. The paper concludes by outlining potential strategic and pedagogic actions that can a) rearticulate PPL as a powerful form of global learning, and b) offer pedagogic direction to PBL more widely.
Literature: de Oliveira Andreotti, V., Biesta, G., & Ahenakew, C. (2015). Between the nation and the globe: Education for global mindedness in Finland, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 13:2,246-259.Green, W. (2019). Engaging “Students as Partners” in Global Learning: Some Possibilities and Provocations, Journal of Studies in International Education, 23(1), 10-29.Leask, B. (2016) Internationalizing Curriculum and Learning for All Students. In: Jones E., Coelen R., Beelen J., Wit H.. (eds) Global and Local Internationalization. Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam.
Originalsprog | Engelsk |
Publikationsdato | 28 maj 2019 |
Status | Udgivet - 28 maj 2019 |
Begivenhed | Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Netværk: Undervisningens teknologier og teknikker - Odense, Odense, Danmark Varighed: 28 maj 2019 → 29 maj 2019 https://www.tilmeld.dk/dunk19/tema.html |
Konference | Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Netværk |
Lokation | Odense |
Land/Område | Danmark |
By | Odense |
Periode | 28/05/2019 → 29/05/2019 |
Internetadresse |