Pressures on early career researchers

Susan Wright, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Laura Louise Sarauw, Lise Degn, Jakob Williams Ørberg

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskning


TitelPraticing Integritiy
RedaktørerRachel Douglas-Jones, Susan Wright
Antal sider4
ForlagAarhus Universitet
Publikationsdato1 jun. 2020
StatusUdgivet - 1 jun. 2020
Udgivet eksterntJa

Bibliografisk note

This booklet is designed to be both informative and useful. It contributes to the formation of the HEPP, not only by accessibly sharing findings from our research, but also by posing questions that can be taken up in different institutions across the country. Each section asks questions that people teaching and administer- ing research integrity can ask – of themselves and their students and colleagues. We pose them here for institutional discussion, and invite members of the HEPP to use these questions as starting points for conversations across different parts of university life.


  • Integrity
  • Research Integrity
  • Research integrity training

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