
Stewart Franks, Eva Boegh, Eleanor Blyth, David Hannah, Koray Yilmaz

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The hydro-climatological approach of this volume illustrates the
scientific and practical value of considering hydrological phenomena
and processes in a climate context to improve understanding of
controls, process interaction, and past and future variability/change.
Contributions deal with understanding hydrological systems given
historic observed climate variability, or utilise climate models to proje
future climate scenarios and then assess the resultant hydrological
consequences. Human interventions – water storages, extraction,
irrigation, land-use change – i.e. the societal context, are also
considered. The interdisciplinary approach reveals information and
perspective that go beyond the study of cli ate and hydro gy alone
TitelHydro-climatology: Variability and Change : Proceedings of the Symposium JHS02 held during the IUGG GA in Melbourne (28 June-7 Jullet 2011)
Antal sider1
UdgivelsesstedWallingford, UK
ForlagIAHS Press
Publikationsdato1 jul. 2011
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-907161-19-3
StatusUdgivet - 1 jul. 2011


  • Hydrologi
  • Klimaforandringer

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