Projekter pr. år
Under betegnelsen ”performativ urbanisme” adresserer denne artikel nogle af de mange hybride kunstprojekter, der bruger byen som arena for social intervention, idet der fokuseres på to eksempler fra henholdsvis København (Superflex/Superkilen) og Rio de Janeiro (Cascoland/ Lajes que Falam). Den performative urbanisme defineres ved ønsket om forandring, og artiklens sigte er derfor at spørge til, hvordan sådanne hybride kunstprojekter arbejder med forandring, og hvilket forandringspotentiale de har? Den performative urbanisme anskues i artiklen som et felt, der tegner sig imellem kunstteori og –aktivisme, byplanlægning og-branding mv., og i artiklen inddrages dels mere kunsthistoriske og æstetiskteoretiske teorier (Bishop, Jackson, Hannah m.fl.), dels teorier om byplanlægning og –udvikling (Thrift, Pløger, Anderson og Harrison m.fl.).
Through the concept of ”performativ urbanism” this article adresses some of the contemporary hybrid art-projects that use the city as arena for social intervention. The article gives particular attention to two examples from Copenhagen (Superflex/Superkilen) and Rio de Janeiro, (Cascoland/ Lajes que Falam), respectively. Performativ urbanism is defined by a transformative ambition, and the aim of the article is to ask how such art-projects work with transformation, and which potential for transformation they have? Performativ urbanism is in the article understood as a rather new research area between art theory and activism, on the one hand, and urban planning and development, on the other. The article draws on art and aesthetic theory (Bishop, Jackson, Hannah m.fl.) as well as theories of urbanism and planning (Thrift, Pløger, Anderson og Harrison m.fl.).
Through the concept of ”performativ urbanism” this article adresses some of the contemporary hybrid art-projects that use the city as arena for social intervention. The article gives particular attention to two examples from Copenhagen (Superflex/Superkilen) and Rio de Janeiro, (Cascoland/ Lajes que Falam), respectively. Performativ urbanism is defined by a transformative ambition, and the aim of the article is to ask how such art-projects work with transformation, and which potential for transformation they have? Performativ urbanism is in the article understood as a rather new research area between art theory and activism, on the one hand, and urban planning and development, on the other. The article draws on art and aesthetic theory (Bishop, Jackson, Hannah m.fl.) as well as theories of urbanism and planning (Thrift, Pløger, Anderson og Harrison m.fl.).
Originalsprog | Dansk |
Tidsskrift | Aktuel forskning ved Institut for Litteratur, Kultur og Medier |
Udgave nummer | Særnummer december 2015 |
Sider (fra-til) | 51-62 |
ISSN | 1903-5705 |
Status | Udgivet - 4 dec. 2015 |
Bibliografisk note
Særnummer 2015: Deltagelse som transformation i kunst og kulturEmneord
- Performativitet
- performativ urbanisme
- performative byrum
- deltagelseskultur
- Deltagelseskunst
- inddragelse
- Social vending
- 1 Afsluttet