Participatory Design of Large-Scale Information Systems: A Reconstruction of the Iterative Prototyping Approach

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    In this article we discuss how to engage in large-scale information systems development by applying a participatory design (PD) approach that acknowledges the unique situated work practices conducted by the domain experts of modern organizations. We reconstruct the iterative prototyping approach into a PD process model that (1) emphasizes PD experiments as transcending traditional prototyping by evaluating fully integrated systems exposed to real work practices; (2) incorporates improvisational change management including anticipated, emergent, and opportunity-based change; and (3) extends initial design and development into a sustained and ongoing stepwise implementation that constitutes an overall technology-driven organizational change. The process model is presented through a largescale PD experiment in the Danish healthcare sector. We reflect on our experiences from this experiment and discuss three challenges to address when dealing with large-scale systems development.

    TitelConference Proceedings : Perspectives on Practice-Oriented Design Science 15th of maj 2008
    RedaktørerJørgen Ole Bærenholdt, Jesper Simonsen, John Damm Scheuer
    ForlagRoskilde Universitet
    StatusUdgivet - 2008
    BegivenhedPerspectives on Practice-Oriented Design Science - Roskilde, Danmark
    Varighed: 15 maj 200815 maj 2008


    KonferencePerspectives on Practice-Oriented Design Science

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