Pan-Americanism as a Hemispheric Model for a Global Order? The Pan-American Peace Pact of 1914

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Some in US President Woodrow Wilson’s administration saw an opening to seize several opportunities in 1914 to present the United States as a hemispheric unifier offering an alternative for war-torn Europe. Since an international convention or a negotiated solution in Europe seemed unlikely, the US tried to establish a peace agreement for the western hemisphere to universalise American international law and multilateralise the Monroe Doctrine in a way that would mutually recognise each American republic’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and demonstrate to Europe that a negotiated peace was possible. This article analyses the emergence of the idea of the Pan-American Peace Pact and its regional and global significance in view of the League of Nations that was later established.
TidsskriftJournal of the History of International Law
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)259–292
Antal sider34
StatusUdgivet - 9 jun. 2022


  • Pan-Americanism
  • United States
  • Latin America
  • international law
  • League of Nations

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