"‘Old-stream’ psychology will disappear with the dinosaurs!”: Kenneth Gergen in conversation with Peter Mattes and Ernst Schraube

Ernst Schraube, Peter Mattes

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    This conversation discusses the epistemology of social constructionism—theory, method, praxis—in relation with traditional psychology. The first part of the conversation deals with the places and forms of social constructionist thought and with the limits of the traditional positivistic epistemology of psychology. The next part of the conversation focuses on issues of social constructionist methodology and on the role of social relationships for an adequate understanding of human beings. The last part of the conversation illuminates the relationship between university structures and scientific knowledge as well as possible futures for academic psychology.
    TidsskriftForum Qualitative Sozialforschung
    Udgave nummer3
    Sider (fra-til)Article 27
    StatusUdgivet - 2004


    • epistemology of psychology
    • mind-world dualism
    • methodology
    • performative psychology
    • positivism
    • postmodernism
    • self
    • social relationship
    • social constructionism
    • theoretical psychology
    • traditional psychology
    • qualitative methods

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