New Technologies to Change Work: The creation of professional identity and legitimacy by a professional association

Jette Ernst, Kasper Trolle Elmholdt

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


Studies of professionals in organizations have highlighted the importance of building and maintaining a mandate, and have proposed that many professionals face difficulties defining their differentiating skills and knowledge in the context of new technologies. In this paper, we examine how the influx of new technology and robots in particular, influence the professionalization struggles and strategies by the Danish medical laboratory scientists (lab scientists), which we term a marginalized professions due to its weak professional status in the healthcare field. We examine how the professional project and professional capital is constructed and put to work by the association of the lab scientists as we underscore the important yet overlooked role played by associations in shaping how new technology may be coupled to the professional project. Using a theorization inspired by Bourdieu in particular, we show how robots may pose both an opportunity and a ‘wicked’ problem for professionalization. We conclude by discussion these contributions and outlines options for future research.
TitelAcademy of Management Proceedings : Annual Meeting Proceedings: Seattle 2022
ForlagAcademy of Management
Publikationsdatomaj 2022
StatusUdgivet - maj 2022
BegivenhedAOM, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Creating a better world together - Seattle, USA
Varighed: 5 aug. 20229 aug. 2022


KonferenceAOM, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
NavnAcademy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings

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