New Approaches, Methods and Techniques

Jesper Simonsen, Christian Dindler, Chiara Del Gaudio

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


This chapter explores how ways of conducting Participatory Design have evolved based on a literature review of Participatory Design research published during the past decade. We describe new developments and trends in general approaches, as well as more specific methods and techniques used to support the practice of Participatory Design. The literature review exposes three overall trends: (1) A move in the application area addressed by Participatory Design approaches embracing evaluation, sustainability and infrastructuring. This trend is characterised by a shift from a focus on initial design and development processes to include the appropriation and re-configuration of technologies and use practices that follow after the initial implementation. (2) Transferring Participatory Design approaches to other research areas and communities. Participatory Design inspires other adjacent research domains and these domains influence the development of new approaches, methods and techniques. The chapter highlights one of these intersections by reviewing how this has evolved within the Interaction Design and Children research community. (3) Internationalisation beyond Western and modernist traditions characterised by North European and North American research. During the past decade, the Participatory Design community and conferences have made systematic attempts to include and interact with researchers from and in the Souths. This enlarges the field through interesting and contrasting approaches for decolonial Participatory Design practice and research. This chapter is structured as follows: A condensed introduction is followed by elaborated sections for each of the previously described overall trends. The chapter concludes by summarising the opportunities and challenges that the identified trends open up to inspire future research. Together with two other chapters from the 2013 Participatory Design handbook (on methods as well as on techniques and tools), the reader may obtain an authoritative overview of approaches, methods and techniques used in the field since the Participatory Design research area was established.
TitelRoutledge International Handbook of Contemporary Participatory Design
RedaktørerRachel Charlotte Smith, Daria Loi, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Liesbeth Huybrechts, Jesper Simonsen
Antal sider25
Publikationsdato1 jan. 2025
ISBN (Trykt)9781032368887
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781040151242
StatusUdgivet - 1 jan. 2025

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