Multi-method and innovative approaches to researching the learning and social practices of young digital users

Nicoletta Vittadini, Simone Carlo, Øystein Gilje, Ditte Laursen, Maria Francesca Murru, Kim Christian Schrøder

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One of the most significant challenges in researching the social aspects of contemporary societies is to adapt the methodological approach to complex digital media environments. Learning processes take place in this complex environment, and they include formal and informal experiences (learning in school, home, and real-virtual communities), peer cultures and intergenerational connections, production and creation as relevant activities, and personal interests as a focal point. Methods used in the study of learning and the social practices of young people must take into account four key issues: boundaries between online and offline experiences are blurring; young people act performatively; young people act knowingly or reflexively; and the activities of young people cannot be understood through the use of a single method but require the use of multiple tools of investigation. The article discusses three methodological issues: research design aimed at following people along their transmedia paths, the relevance of participatory research, and the epistemological implications of multi-method research. The article presents a theoretical discussion of the research issues and some examples of research projects for each topic.
TidsskriftInternational Journal of Learning and Media
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)33-45
StatusUdgivet - 2012

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